Hello there!
I'm back with a short update. I'm sorry that I'm a bit inactive the last days but I didn't feel very well. Also I needed some time for...

New Cases and Commissions
Hello there! I finally find some time to update again because there is a lot of private stuff going on. Well here are two new cases I...

Work Work Work
Oh dear... it's almost April! I am very sorry for my absence but as murphy's law wanted it I got sick recently and had to cancel the...

New Tests
It's been a while... also because I didn't have much time due to a lot of cosplay stuff I'm working on. But lately I tried a new form of...

End of Hiatus
Hello there! Yes I know it's been a veeeery long time since I updated this blog. Well there was a lot going on in my private life and I...

I'm back!
Finally back from my holidays in Berlin. It was really great and made so much fun. I'm so happy that I finally got the time to see some...

o v o
Soooo I went shopping yesterday and got some new things for crafting. Sand for a cake like box which I want to make, glitter glue sticks,...