End of Hiatus
Hello there! Yes I know it's been a veeeery long time since I updated this blog. Well there was a lot going on in my private life and I...

So much to do xvx
Hello guys! I'm so sorry for the late update, but there was so much to do and I had no time at all. Last weekend I was visiting the...

New Work
Well. It took me long enough to get to work again. I was on holiday and then there were so many private issues I had to deal with. Now...

I'm back!
Finally back from my holidays in Berlin. It was really great and made so much fun. I'm so happy that I finally got the time to see some...

Woop Woop!
Yeah! I finally got my business cards today * v * ... so slowly I'm getting into serious business with it. There are some people who...
Hey guys, just a little update to let you know that I'm really busy these days! I have to prepare everything for a move out of my...

After the cases I made I finally decided to try something new. I found this pocket mirror in the store in the city and here it is :D A...

o v o
Soooo I went shopping yesterday and got some new things for crafting. Sand for a cake like box which I want to make, glitter glue sticks,...

Lets get started :D
So this is my first blog entry. Welcome to my first own side for my deco work. So how did I got into this? All the time I always saw...