Lets get started :D
So this is my first blog entry. Welcome to my first own side for my deco work. So how did I got into this? All the time I always saw those people who are making this decoden stuff. Phone cases, mirrors, frames and so on. So I thought to myself I want to something like that too!
It took me some time to decide what to do until I finally got to make my own phone case for my own mobile phone. I think I'm not perfect in this but I'm trying to get better.
Up until now I already have some comissions so I thought to make more of them. And if people like it, I'd really like to do more stuff with decoden art. But like I said... I really have to learn more about it and practice.
So I will try to give you some updates now and then.

I already got a little collection of different cabochons and stuff for my work. So here you
have the first pictures ;)