Hey guys,
just a little update to let you know that I'm really busy these days! I have to prepare everything for a move out of my appartement in the next months and work on another cosplay (I need it in one week when I visit some friends :D) so yeah I don't have much time.
But I got some news for you. After talking with friends I'm pretty sure I want to continue with decoden stuff on a longer basis. Sooo... I got some informations and yesterday I ordered my first cards for my decoden work. I'm soooo excited of how they will look like (the Photoshop work was exhausting).
I will start with another case shortly, just waiting for the charm to arrive. Also I ordered some new cabochons and whip cream - yay!
Oh and yeah... I will work on cases and stuff without commissions too, so everything I'm not doing for someone else will be found in my etsy store:
So just so you know ;). I think that's all for now. I'm heading off now for a walk with my dog and then cleaning up another room. xvx
See ya!