Update: Commissions and Summer
Hello there!
It's been a while that I updated this page, which has to do with a bunch of private stuff. End of last year was really busy, same as the start of this year which is... absolutely so much better than 2017 to be honest. I had a good time at Comic Con in London this time with seeing a lot of friends and so on.
I also got to know a lot more people since the beginning of the year, as I stumbled into a new fandom. There has been a time where I didn't have any commissions at all so I wasn't really able to show you anything, but I got new stuff lately. I added it to the Gallery section. I hope you like it.
There is a lot going on at the moment and I wanna... change a few things. As you can see in the media bar now, I separated my cosplay Facebook page and the one for my decoden works. I will probably not do that with Instagram because thats... just my account for anything, but I'm currently thinking also about separating my twitter from my decoden stuff and make an own twitter account for that. What do you think about that?
Also I went with me main stream now and made a Ko-Fi page for all people who can't afford buying a case or something else from me but still like to support me. <3 Feel free to look it up.
It's summer here and it's too warm, which makes working a bit difficult but I try my best.
I have slots open for commissions currently, if someone's interested. My current progress is only two so far. Drop me a message if you are interested. I think thats going to be all for now. I try my best to update this here more regulary. I really should xD.